Rain falling on a wet street at night with blurred car lights in the background. Hydroplane car accident in Santa Cruz, California.

Hydroplaning occurs when a vehicle’s tires lose contact with the roadway upon driving over standing water, usually rain, or very wet pavement. As a result of the loss of traction between the tires and road, the driver loses the ability to steer or control the vehicle.

When a driver loses control of their vehicle as a result of hydroplaning, the effects can be devastating, including death or injury. Notably, in our community, Highway 17, Highway 152, and Highway 156, with their quick, winding turns, become extremely dangerous during rainstorms.

While it is convenient to blame the rain for a hydroplaning crash, the reality is that hydroplaning rarely occurs if a driver is traveling the appropriate speed for the circumstances (CVC §22350) and the vehicle’s tires have been maintained with the appropriate amount of tread.

If you or your loved one has been injured in a hydroplaning car crash in Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, or Santa Clara County, Pacific Coast Injury Lawyer, APC is well-equipped to handle your personal injury claim and maximize your in-pocket recovery.